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【天心台·三星石】 天心台建于1914年,源于“梅花点点皆天心”之意。台前耸立三峰太湖石,酷似“福、禄、寿”三字,故称“三星石”。天心台南有峰太湖石,名叫“米襄阳拜石”。相传宋代大书法家米芾任职丹徒时,此石即为其园中之物,而其又特别喜欢石头,爱石成癖,后人称之曰“米襄阳拜石”。 [Tian xin Platform Tree ds stone] Built in 1914, the name from a poem “all the Mey blossom come from d’s wish”. There are three Lake Tai Rock in front of it, which looks like Chinese character “Fu, Lu, Shou”. They are three ds in Chinese religion. That’s why it is named Three ds Stone. |
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